Warning: this is still under revising, not the formal version. For any confusion and offense, I
sincerely apologize.
Jialin He 何佳霖 Click to pronounce Email: anxingx [at] comp.nus.edu.sg   Office: COM3-02-21
I am a first-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at National University of Singapore, advised by
Prof. David Hsu. My research interest lies in the
intersection of Robotics, Reasoning and Decision Making with their applications in complex,
real-world environments.
Previously, I worked as a Research Assistant with Prof. Max Q.-H. Meng . Before that, I was
a visiting student at UC Berkeley from Aug. 2019 to Sep. 2020 working with Prof. Koushil Sreenath. I received my
B.E. in Automation from the Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen in 2021.
I love playing basketball 🏀 and table tennis 🏓 in my free time. I am also open to collaborating
with people to explore the possibilities of robotics in various fields.
My current research topics cover motion planning, assistive robotics, and autonomous system design.
My long-term research
goal is to develop intelligent robots that can infer and interact with the dynamic and open world in
long-horizon tasks
Localisation For Underwater Vehicles Using a Forward-Looking Sonar
NUS CS5340 Uncertainty Modelling in AI
Utilized Markov Random Fields (MRF) to denoise forward-looking sonar (FLS) images and Bayesian
optimization to estimate the odometry;
Implemented the Monte Carlo Localisation algorithm for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) on data
collected from AUVs operating in open water.
Reach-Avoid Games via Deep Reinforcement Learning
HIT Auto2012 Introduction to Maching Learning
Designed training pipelines to solve reach-avoid games using the Soft Actor Criticism (SAC)
The model was trained in Robotarium simulations and transferred to real-world experiments;
Learned policy performed better than the baseline MPC method and human policy in both defense and
attack tasks.
Automatic notesbook scanner
Berkeley ME102B Mechatronics Design
Completed 3D model design in SolidWorks and manufactured parts of the scanner by 3D printing and
laser cutting;
Integrated electronics components to achieve autonomous page turning and scanning;
Processed the scanner image with perspective transformation and adaptive threshold using OpenCV.
Academic Service
Journal Reviewer:
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2022, 2023
IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), 2021
Biomimetic Intelligence and Robotics (BIROB), 2021
Conference Reviewer:
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022, 2023
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2021